A knee injury is one of the most common injuries a motocross rider can sustain however many riders do not wear a knee brace. This campaign was designed to target those riders with its straightforward tagline “Don’t Cut Your Ride Short”. Reinforced by the support copy, this tagline encourages a motocross rider to wear a knee brace so that they can continue doing the hobbie they love.
The look of this campaign draws inspiration from a lifestyle photo collage one might see on the social media account of an urban street wear company. The ad has a free form grid structure that pulls the viewers focus diagonally from the tagline and riding shot on the left to the product and logo on the right. To further grab attention we designed the magazine advertisement in a landscape view encouraging the viewer to interact with the ad by turning the magazine sideways.
For this project I created the initial concept, did the design work, took the product photography, and wrote the copy and tagline.

Print Ad Vertical

Print Ad Horizontal
In addition to the print materials we created a series of social media videos showcasing riders gearing up with our safety equipment. For this aspect of the campaign I was one of the videographers as well as the editor.
I also developed this look for our 2020 Catalog

Knee & Elbow Protection Intro

Tug Intro

Race Collar Intro

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